Sunday, March 25, 2012

Musings of a Mad Man: Boyfriend Joke

I was sitting in bed writing possible funny ideas, and I asked Boyfriend to give me some funny ideas since he IS my muse.  He responded with this:

And then he just walked away.  And thus, a cartoon idea was conceived in our very bedroom.  Sheesh.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pun Fun: Gracious Appliances

Ha.  Ha ha ha.  Pee hee hee.  If you don't get it, just get out of here.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Boyfriends: If Muscles Were Underwire

I live with a man now -- my boyfriend!  And during the five months when we were not living in the same city, it occurred to me that a good boyfriend is like a real good bra in many ways, for example: 

Perhaps it is worth noting that I was wearing a piece of shit bra and having a bad day when I thought of this idea.  Boyfriend fixed one of those. : )